Loretta Berndt, Jim Blaha, John McEnroe, Roy Ramsey, Bob Kopp, Teresa Keenan, and Jim Shalley are the individuals to whom I owe a great deal of my success in the real estate industry. Each of these mentors arrived at different junctures in my career, enabling me to persist, evolve, and excel. They have all played pivotal roles in the achievements I have managed to secure.
When I contemplate the concept of coaching, I envision the chance to be included in someone else's list of influential figures. What could be a greater honor than contributing to another's triumph? I aspire to replicate the invaluable influence these individuals have had on my life and share the wisdom I've accumulated over the years.
My ambition extends beyond merely boosting sales. I strive to help people lead fulfilling, well-rounded lives. I want to facilitate not only success but also lasting happiness for my clients. My services can undoubtedly assist you in selling more properties. However, my true purpose is to help you structure your business and personal life in a way that allows you to be the best husband, wife, parent, child, or friend you can be.
The real estate industry can exert significant pressure on various facets of your life. If you're not finding the contentment you seek in your business or personal life, I strongly believe that I can provide the guidance you need.